Siobhan Connellan | Composer


Siobhan Connellan is a London-based composer and orchestrator, working in concert music and music for media projects.


Siobhan first studied composition at the Royal College of Music Junior Department, then went on to study music at Peterhouse, Cambridge, where she won her college’s Lady Alexander Dacre Music Prize three years in a row. In 2021 she received her MMus in Composition for Screen from the Royal College of Music, graduating with a distinction.


Since then, Siobhan has enjoyed a versatile career, including working on short films, feature films, documentaries and production music albums, and composing for ensembles from string quartets to symphony orchestras. She is also a multi-instrumentalist and plays bassoon in the London City Orchestra, where she is the composer in residence.

My Music


Orchestrator & Co-Composer

Music Department

More music available on YouTube & SoundCloud